Why the fuck am I doing this?

In loo of the worst year of my life so far, my therapist thought it would be a good idea to start a journal. I decided that I might as well share it with you. Now, before you start thinking this’ll be some sort of cry fest, I deal with things through humor, or as my therapist says, “my defense mechanism.” This will be crude, full of unnecessary cursing and as honest as humanly possible. I can’t promise it’ll be concise because I plan on writing about things currently happening and things that happened far in the past, but I’ll do my best to keep it organised for both of us.

I guess you need some background, eh?

Well, I’m a disabled 28 year old female with diagnosed Generalized Anxiety, Major Depression and Fibromyalgia. I’m an Atheist, a bisexual and a bit of a sociopath. I live in a small apartment with my wonderful partner of 3+ years. I play video games, tabletop games, pretty much anything to escape reality. I hate my family with a fiery burning passion. I like to paint miniatures…

Well, you get the idea. There’s a lot to cover and so little motivation. So stay tuned, but don’t hold your breath, you’ll die.

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